Supporting the development of the Not-for-Profit Sector Blueprint.

Logo of the Australian Government Department of Social Services
A group of people sitting around someone writing on butcher's paper.

The Not-for-Profit Sector Blueprint is a 10-year road map which seeks to ensure Australia’s NFP sector is  strong, thriving, ‘future ready’ and able to continue to support its people, communities and environment. Developed by the sector under the guidance of the Blueprint Expert Reference Group, the Blueprint includes a framework and outlines 18 key initiatives under 3 strategic pillars:

  • an enabling operational and regulatory environment for the NFP sector to thrive
  • a people-led and purpose driven NFP sector
  • an adaptive and dynamic forward-focused NFP sector.
Synergistiq conducted national consultations with representation from a diverse range of NFP organisations, to get feedback on the draft Blueprint.

Read our report

Read the Blueprint

What we did to support the development of this Blueprint


Synergistiq was commissioned by the Department of Social Services (DSS) to seek out and engage small to medium NFP operating in Australian - including those who may be new or predominately volunteer-run. We wanted to hear what people thought of the draft Blueprint, its purpose and how the identified initiatives may support or challenge their organisation.


We engaged with over 90 organisations through a series of virtual and in-person focus groups and interviews across Australia. These organisations contribute to our communities in a variety of ways, such as bringing music to elderly Australians living in residential care through music, ensuring suitable faith and culturally-appropriate supports to young people, or prompting the arts or artists. It was a privilege to speak to so many passionate individuals. They shared their views on the draft Blueprint and the challenges of operating a small to medium NFP in Australia. We complied their feedback into a report for DSS, which was tabled in Parliament.

NFPs offer so much to our communities and make for a strong and vibrant Australia. We wish to extend our deep thanks and appreciation to all the individuals and organisations who participated or shared their views with us. 

To read more about how we can support your NFP with strategy and policy development, facilitation and engagement or evaluations and impact measurement, click below or get in touch: [email protected]

More about Synergistiq