Not-for-Profit Blueprint Consultations

Three people sitting around a table having a conversation.

Share your perspective

About the consultations

The Department of Social Services (DSS) has been tasked with supporting not-for-profits in Australia to develop a blueprint for the next 10 years. This process is being led by the Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG), a group made up of not-for-profit sector leaders.

The purpose of this blueprint is to clearly identify the significant contributions not-for-profits make to Australia and how this may continue and be strengthened into the future. It will also outline specific actions for government and not-for-profits to support these goals.

The Blueprint is now in its draft stages and the both the BERG and DSS want to hear from organisations like yours through nationwide consultations conducted by Synergistiq. Last year a public submissions process was held with over 160 submissions received. These consultations will build on the knowledge gained from that process.

As part of the consultations, we would like to invite you to take part in a 1.5 hour virtual or face-to-face focus group to share your perspective. The consultations will take place from mid-June to early July 2024. Face-to-face focus groups will be held in most capital cities, with virtual focus groups also available. Please register your interest in a focus group below (selecting either a face-to-face or virtual option) and we will be in touch to confirm your attendance and provide additional information.


Register your interest in a focus group